2023 in Review: Advice for the New Mom
We asked, you answered. As we look back on the mamas we featured in 2023, we highlight the best, most vulnerable, and most inspiring answers to the question: "What’s one piece of advice you would give to a new mom?
Artist, entrepreneur, and new mom Sacha Taylor offers insightful perspective on the changes we embrace in those early baby days. The yoga and meditation teacher and ritual practitioner discusses life and wellness with a new baby, and the importance of listening to your body and your changing environment in those days as a new mom:
“Find or build community by any means necessary. This may take you out of your comfort zone of people you already know, but participating in Mom’s groups and meetups, both virtually and in person has been such a key for me during this first year. Develop new friendships and try not to get stuck in the comparison trap.”

We interviewed the mother-daughter team of Danielle Krupa, Founder of Moms for Moms - a NYC-based nonprofit that supports single mothers in need - and her own mother and inspiration for her company, Deborah Pesses. Deborah talks about how proud she is of Danielle for being able to show up for her girls in ways she herself couldn’t as a young single mother:
“As a new mom…you have to be strong. Take a deep breath and take things one step at a time. You don’t have to do everything all at once. It will work out and everything will be ok. It’s hard, but it’s worth it.”

Certified Infant Sleep Specialist Brittni Cepeda is passionate about empowering moms to embrace what biologically normal infant sleep looks like. The mama and founder of Resting in Motherhood shares how she seeks to be a positive part of the matrescence journey, and discusses the importance of listening to your mama intuition:
“I wish I would have known to shut out the outside noise and just do what worked for me and my baby. This would have allowed me to get to know the baby in front of me instead of turning to the internet, a place that had no idea who my baby was and what her unique needs were.”

Dr. Dianna Dixon, DPA, CLC, CBS, had two under age two when the global pandemic began. Through her commitment to exclusive pumping, the Pump with Purpose CEO and Breast Pumping Expert was able to exclusively pump for more than three years, and was inspired to help others on that journey as well. She gives us confidence to take ownership in the uniqueness of our own motherhood journey:
“To the newly postpartum moms, please take care of yourself. I know it's easier said than done but truly, be vulnerable, and ask for help. There is no shame in seeking assistance, whether it's relying on your loved ones to support you during this fragile time or bringing up concerns to your doctor. Seek a second opinion if you need to, because I cannot stress enough preventive care is better than reactive care.
Also, please remember you don't need to let society pressure you into making certain decisions. You have a right to raise and feed your child in a way that works for you. Don't let anyone make you doubt yourself; choose what is best for you and your family.”

Erin Erenberg has learned how to value presence in a way we all could take a lesson from. The attorney, entrepreneur, mom of three and founder of Totum Women, shares how she strives to live a life that is consistent with the things she truly values:
“Someone once said "you can't multitask presence." That resonates for me. Having three kids I care about, work I love, and a partner, friends and family -- I often feel like I wish I could clone myself to give everything enough presence.”

New mom and actress Molly Bernard details the path to wellness as a new mom in an incredibly heartfelt way, reminding all of us of the importance of the journey:
“Go slow. Be easy on yourself. Ask for help! Ask your friends to come hold the baby while you take a shower and change your bed sheets. Talk to other moms. Ask all the questions! Have zero shame. And know what flange size you are for pumping! There are no standard sizes. I was using the 24/28 that came with my pump but I’m actually a size 15mm!!!”

Single mama, best-selling author, journalist and matrescence activist, Amy Taylor Kabbaz shares the importance of providing coaching and support to mothers through the process of matrescence, and drives home how crucial it is that we all learn how to support mamas in a new, different and better way:
“The most challenging aspect of being a mother is also trying to be a woman. If we allow it, it can be all consuming. We love these little (and not so little now!) human beings, and we want to make sure they are safe, healthy and happy in this world - which means it can be incredibly easy to forget about your own happiness and health. I’ve learnt this the hard way, and now, it’s a dance of honoring their needs with my own. Sometimes I get it right! Sometimes I definitely don’t.”

What piece of advice would YOU give to a new mother? Share your story on our Instagram and join the conversation!