Our Mama Community talks #MotherhoodRefined
Motherhood changes every fiber of your being. While vastly unexplored in the medical community, there's a name for that process of becoming a mother - matrescence. It's a transition when hormones surge, bodies change, and identity and relationships shift.
This Mother's Day, we as a community of mothers reflect on how matrescence and motherhood has refined us, and what #motherhoodrefined means to each of us.
Denise Woodard @dwoodard, founder of Partake Foods
"Becoming a mother has made me more compassionate, given me more patience than I ever thought possible, and made me want to make the world a brighter, safer place for my daughter. This is #motherhoodrefined."
Mikaela Simila @mikaelaroses, mom of 2 and co-founder of @bambinoswim
"Motherhood is the ultimate sacrifice. Sacrifice of time, body, space, needs, wants...my own peace and sanity sometimes! But I believe that’s where the true beauty in this life is; laying down our lives for others. That’s where the joy is. Motherhood has caused me to look outwardly everyday and it’s a beautiful thing. This is #motherhoodrefined."
Karen Brulhart, @life_of_kar, award-winning NY-based marketing consultant and mama to Charlotte Peppa
“Since becoming a mother, I think that I’ve become a better version of myself by learning to stay present and in the moment. There are so many challenges that come with a newborn baby - too many to count. What I’ve learned is that you have to take each moment as its own, and work hard to not let your mind wander or judge. This is, in a way, a form of meditation for me in that I can only focus on what I’m doing now - not worry about the past or future. With each day that passes, I realize that this act of being present serves as a way to create an even deeper bond with my baby, and also makes me a better version of myself. This is #motherhoodrefined.”
Haley Bergsgaard, @haley_annes, photographer and mom of 3
"Motherhood is having dirty hair that's not even fit for a messy bun, but letting your kids use up all the hot water for their bath in your tub. Motherhood has made me selfless, in the best way possible while simultaneously teaching me how to take care of myself. I have learned what I am truly capable of for others and for myself and it's a beautiful place to be. This is #motherhoodrefined."
Kacy Owens @kacyowens, actress, writer, and mom to Rocky James
"Since becoming a mother, I think I have become a better version of myself in that I have finally grasped what it is to have true humility. It is not thinking any less of myself, but thinking of myself less. This one-year-old kid requires so much, and there is never a hesitation to drop what I am doing or stop what I'm thinking, for him. Often times, whatever dust he just kicked up settles, and I laugh to myself finding the half eaten, super soggy bowl of cereal that I abandoned, or cruising past a mirror to see my forgotten about, half made-up face reflecting back at me. Motherhood has taught me that it's not about me, and that doesn't take away from me my self-worth or my identity. This is #motherhoodrefined."
Mackenzie Biehl @happyharperblog of Happily Harper, mom to Harper and Hudson
"Being a mother empowers me. When I was childless, time was endless. Now, it comes to me in very small increments, often too microscopic to even measure. I have started writing and developed a blog on child-imposed deadlines. Often, only coming up for air when they would wake up from a nap. I crave to teach myself more. To learn more about the blogging world as I watch my babies learn something new each day. I want to learn web design, search engine optimization, and developing my niche. I have sweated and powered so hard on my Peloton bike under the confines of time. I have squeezed in an early morning workout session before my kids wake up or late at night after they are sound asleep. I have crammed as many calls, tours, meetings, and visits at work in my 8-10 hour workday before I blitz to the other side of town for a daycare pickup. I have grocery shopped in my small window after daycare pick up and before dinner to get enough food to pack everyone's breakfast and lunch before daycare the next day. I have had a pedicure while nursing. I have had my nails done with Harper in my ergo carrier with her strapped on my back.
Johnetta Lafond @johnettalafond, mom to Anaiah, Zariah, Yasir, Zaire, and one on the way |