Maia Alejandro: On Community and Self Love

Maia Alejandro: On Community and Self Love

Twin mom and business owner Maia Alejandro shares her thoughts on the importance of community, and how having that village helped her through the difficult process of being a new mom. She reminds us how unique motherhood is for each of us, and the importance of embracing and loving our body, our journey, and ourselves.


Maia, tell us a little about you:

I'm the founder of FOR TMRW, a lifestyle brand offering design forward beauty products and artful objects. I'm also a mom of twin girls and a former mental health professional. 


What was the most unexpected part of your own motherhood journey?

The most unexpected part of my motherhood journey was learning we were having twins! We found out in the second trimester, during a routine exam. The tech asked us how many babies we were having and we thought she was joking! It was completely unexpected. After sharing the news with my family, we discovered multiples run in our lineage. My great grandmother had triplets! 

maia with twin girls

How does Matrescence’s Mission to “mother the mother” resonate with you as a mom? In your career?

As a society, we don't talk about "mothering the mother" enough. There were times in history where women were surrounded by a community after childbirth; I think that we don't do this enough today. My grandmother made it a point to help me on my breastfeeding journey by making me a soup passed down through generations. Her thoughtfulness is part of the reason I breastfed for as long as I did, even despite so much difficulty. I personally felt so deeply isolated as a new mom, and I think that focusing on community care which centers the mother is key to the postpartum health of the entire family. 

maia pic with large family

Body image is such a big issue for new moms. In what ways has it impacted you?

I was on bedrest at the end of my pregnancy, and moving so little left me feeling a bit disconnected from my body. After I had my baby and was struggling with breastfeeding a friend said to me. "your body will produce what you need for your girls." and that really stuck with me. I was mesmerized that I could produce enough milk for two babies. Honestly, I didn't think I could do it. Her words gave me strength and hope for what my body could produce, endure, and support. 

Down the road, I also experienced postpartum hair loss, which led me on a self love journey to embrace the natural texture of my hair again. It's important for me to be able to show my girls that I love our natural hair! 


What does wellness and “loving the new you” as a mother look like to you as a mama?

Loving the new me means embracing my new priorities, my new body and the new sense of freedom that comes from watching my kids be so authentically themselves. 


What’s one thing you wish you’d known before becoming a mom?

There isn't much I wish I'd known before becoming a mom. It's hard to prepare for motherhood, especially when each experience is so unique. I say embrace the new experiences you will have, and be open to learning, changing and growing as you go. 

mom with two girls in pjs

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