5 Ingredients to Avoid During Pregnancy

5 Ingredients to Avoid During Pregnancy

Skincare that is free of toxic ingredients is a high priority for most moms, but it is especially important for the pregnant mamas, and for a very good reason.Β 

Fluctuating hormones and heightened sensitivity can put pregnant mamas in unknown territoryΒ when it comes to skin issues.Β  But instead of relying on just any skincare product to sootheΒ those skin woes, now is the time to be super selective in order to avoid ingredients that could be harmful to your baby.

Β AΒ Β pregnancy glow shouldn't be bad for you or baby.Β 

To jumpstart your journey to safe pregnancy skincare,Β you'll definitely want to skip any products with theseΒ 5 ingredients.


1. Benzoyl Peroxide

This is one of the most commonly used ingredients in over the counter acne treatments. While concentration below 2.5 percentΒ isΒ generally considered safe during pregnancy, higherΒ concentrations can be absorbed and metabolized into the skin and potentially into the bloodstream.Β Β 

2. Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid appears in many productsΒ that help treat breakouts and inflammation. However, it is best to avoid it altogether. Compared to benzoyl peroxide, there is stronger evidenceΒ of its negativeΒ impact during pregnancyΒ as it has beenΒ associated withΒ birthΒ defects. While the FDA allows topical over-the-counter use up to 2 percent concentrations; many dermatologists recommend avoiding it in any form as a precautionary measure.

3. Hydroquinone

During pregnancy, hyper-pigmentation can occur in women of all complexions and a hydroquinone treatment might be a tempting fixΒ but also one to avoid. While there is limited research on its impact during pregnancy, studies report that it is absorbed into the skin with absorption rates as high as 45%!Β 

4.Β ParabensΒ 

Parabens are a common preservative in cosmetics, and roughly 75%-90% of cosmetics contain them.Β However, they have been linked to breast cancer, reduced fertility and hormone disruption which is extremely scary during pregnancy, especially during crucial developmental milestones in the first trimester. In fact, their inclusion in skincare and cosmetics is actually banned in Europe - but not yet in the United States.


While BPA isn’t typically found directly in cosmetics, it is found in theΒ containers and can leach into products (especially when the product is exposed to heat).Β  Since BPA has been linked to reproductive disorders and cardiovascular issues it's worth choosing products in glass containers or ones that are BPA-free.Β 



Choosing the right skincare products is a natural step in building healthy habits that will provide benefits throughout pregnancy and beyond. Now that you are aware of some major red flags to avoid, stock up your beautyΒ shelf with some great alternatives!Β ReadΒ our list of the Top 8 Pregnancy Safe Skincare IngredientsΒ here.Β Β 


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