March Inspiration from Our Founder: Loving the New You
My early days of new motherhood felt like being swallowed by a black hole. I didn’t feel like me. Over time, I was able to shift my perspective from focusing on what I had lost, to what I had gained: patience, empathy, resilience, the ability to function without sleep! But still, I struggled with loving my new body.
I realized I had to reject society’s image of a new mom. Societal pressure to conform to the “ideal” postpartum body is toxic and unrealistic. But I also realized it was normal for us as moms to still cling to that old body; to want to hold on to all the parts of who we were before motherhood. That meant raw honesty here at Matrescence, as we examined our own relationship with our bodies. It meant acknowledging that those changes do affect how we feel about ourselves, so that we could start to reshape those perceptions. I think being a mom of girls helped me to realize how important it is to model self-acceptance and self-love. To never refer to my body as inadequate. Honestly, after all it’s done, it’s just impossible for me to see it at as anything but amazing.
I wanted this realization for you too, mama, and thus the Stretch Mark Relief collection was born. We reject traditional messaging around stretch mark products. We want moms to journey meaningfully towards loving their bodies and feel more confident and comfortable in their skin. We believe in a focus on your health and wellbeing, not on meeting some unrealistic beauty standard. We want to empower you in your role as a mom. We want you to make physical contact with those new parts of your body in a nurturing and healing way. Today. Not after you “lose 10 lbs” or “after the stretch marks fade.” This is what our body collection represents.
So here’s to embracing the changes and challenges that come with motherhood, and learning to love ourselves in the process. This is Motherhood, Refined.