My passion for fitness emerged when I was performing in The Lion King on Broadway and began to search for injury prevention and cross training methods to support my dance career. I began by teaching dance based fitness at Tracy Anderson Studios. This fast paced, celebrity clientele focused boutique studio pushed me to quickly rise and become a senior trainer. I spent 3 years working in the Tribeca, Studio City and Hamptons studios. Subsequently, I spent 3 years teaching at Flybarre (Flywheel sports), focusing more on a low impact, corrective exercise method, before developing
brugalbodymoves; a fitness class that blends cardio, sculpt and barre to achieve a toned and agile body. Structured like a dance class with fitness based content, it focuses on form and execution while getting lost in the music!
How do you incorporate self-care into your daily life, and how does fitness fit into all of it?
Fitness is a form of
self-care for me. Finding a moment to move and connect your mind and body is so important! I'm grateful that fitness is my job and I get to move daily. My favorite form of self care is my shower time. It’s the only time of day where no one else is involved or around. I can take care of my
skin, clear my mind and find a moment to meditate on the things that I want for myself.
What tips do you have for pregnant women in maintaining a healthy workout regimen?
It’s important to keep moving in any way you enjoy. That can be a fitness class, going for a walk or a quick stretch before bed. Maintaining a routine where you give yourself even 5 minutes a day is so important and will help you keep sane during the tough moments of motherhood.
As a pregnant woman, have you become more aware of what ingredients go into your skin? If so what changes have you made to your existing skincare routine?
I was never a products girl and kept it very basic; store bought face wash and moisturizer. The more passionate I became about wellness and as I prepared to become a mother, I became very particular about the food I eat and my skincare routine. My theory is the cleaner and as close to its natural state the better. Also, a little goes a long way!
What's your favorite and least favorite part of being pregnant?
My least favorite part is the physical limitations and my favorite is the confidence and power I feel because I am literally making a human inside of me!