Obe Instructor, Michelle Brugal, chats Pregnancy Fitness

Obe Instructor, Michelle Brugal, chats Pregnancy Fitness

Our Mom of the Moment, Michelle Brugal, is a prenatal and postnatal specialist and fitness instructor based in New York City. 

Michelle Brugal Workout Fitness Belly Brugal Body MovesTell us a little bit about yourself!
Born in New York City and raised in Miami, Florida, I come from a big Dominican family! I’m a dance and fitness professional with over 18 years experience in movement, be it as a form of artistic expression or exercise. I have a BFA in dance from The Ailey School and Fordham University and have performed on Broadway, toured nationally and internationally, as well as appeared in television, film, and print campaigns. I’m a NASM certified personal trainer and a pre and post natal exercise specialist.  My daughter Luna is 19 months. My partner and I are expecting our second child in August. He’s a designer, originally from northern Italy, and has been in NYC since 2012. We live in Brooklyn and love to cook, travel and argue about what to watch on Netflix!

What inspired you to become a fitness instructor?
My passion for fitness emerged when I was performing in The Lion King on Broadway and began to search for injury prevention and cross training methods to support my dance career. I began by teaching dance based fitness at Tracy Anderson Studios. This fast paced, celebrity clientele focused boutique studio pushed me to quickly rise and become a senior trainer. I spent 3 years working in the Tribeca, Studio City and Hamptons studios. Subsequently, I spent 3 years teaching at Flybarre (Flywheel sports), focusing more on a low impact, corrective exercise method, before developing brugalbodymoves; a fitness class that blends cardio, sculpt and barre to achieve a toned and agile body. Structured like a dance class with fitness based content, it focuses on form and execution while getting lost in the music!

How do you incorporate self-care into your daily life, and how does fitness fit into all of it? 
Fitness is a form of self-care for me. Finding a moment to move and connect your mind and body is so important! I'm grateful that fitness is my job and I get to move daily. My favorite form of self care is my shower time. It’s the only time of day where no one else is involved or around. I can take care of my skin, clear my mind and find a moment to meditate on the things that I want for myself. 

What tips do you have for pregnant women in maintaining a healthy workout regimen?
It’s important to keep moving in any way you enjoy. That can be a fitness class, going for a walk or a quick stretch before bed. Maintaining a routine where you give yourself even 5 minutes a day is so important and will help you keep sane during the tough moments of motherhood.

Michelle Brugal Pregnant Belly Brugal Body Moves
As a pregnant woman, have you become more aware of what ingredients go into your skin? If so what changes have you made to your existing skincare routine?
I was never a products girl and kept it very basic; store bought face wash and moisturizer. The more passionate I became about wellness and as I prepared to become a mother, I  became very particular about the food I eat and my skincare routine. My theory is the cleaner and as close to its natural state the better. Also, a little goes a long way!

What's your favorite and least favorite part of being pregnant?
My least favorite part is the physical limitations and my favorite is the confidence and power I feel because I am literally making a human inside of me!

Follow Michelle on Instagram. To workout with Michelle and other instructors through obé Fitness, use promo code MICHELLE100 and for a complimentary trial month!