Doula Lindsey Bliss On Managing the Stress & Anxiety of COVID-19

Doula Lindsey Bliss On Managing the Stress & Anxiety of COVID-19

Meet Lindsey Bliss, one of our favorite NYC doula, mom of 7 children (including 2 sets of twins!) and one of the co-founders of Carriage House Birth.

We caught up with her (virtually!) to get some tips for mamas managing stress and anxiety amidst the COVID-19/coronavirus pandemic, the importance of self-care, and how doulas are providing virtual support for moms-to-be.


On managing stress and anxiety during COVID-19.

Not sure if I have the best tips for remaining calm during this time, because let’s just be honest - there’s moments we need to freak out, to process our anxiety and fear and anger, so I like to think about ways to get connected back to center.

And what does getting connected back to center even mean? For some that might be taking a bath, for some it might mean going outside and putting your feet in the dirt and reconnecting with nature, for some you might need a meditation app. Expectful has a wonderful app for pregnant folks – check that out.


One thing that has been helping me and a lot of the clients that I’ve been serving currently is focusing on that baby that’s growing – that baby that represents new life, hope, joy and love. That’s been something that has been helping tremendously. 


On the importance of self-care, especially during pregnancy and simple self-care rituals to help calm and relax pregnant women.

Developing self-care rituals is a really great way to do something for yourself during this really stressful time. It doesn’t have to be too complicated or require a lot of money or time – self-care can be remembering to breathe. Self-care can mean pausing and feeling our heart and your belly and just giving yourself a moment of gratitude and acknowledgement. It could be as easy as taking 5 minutes to do some deep belly breaths in the morning. 


On her self-care ritual (as a mom of 7!)

I love Matrescence products, it’s part of my daily ritual. I also take baths, read and use yoni steams (not for pregnant women!).



On doula support during COVID-19.

I think that doulas are more important now than they have ever been. Virtual doula support IS support.  Doulas can help you navigate all of the unknowns and the unexpected twists and turns which are constantly unfolding amidst COVID-19.

Virtual doulas still offer the same type of support - we just can’t touch you with our hands. But we can help figure out ways to navigate your birthing journey, whether you’re having a planned surgical birth, an unmedicated birth, an induction – we can help you navigate through things.

Amidst COVID-19, things have shifted for a lot of people so we at Carriage House have to meet them where they are. Given the circumstances we have to be really creative in the support that we provide for our expecting families. 


On Carriage House Birth and Postpartum Doula Services.

Carriage House Birth was formed to give people a system of support. We offer childbirth education classes, newborn care classes, we also offer people doula services, both birth and postpartum. We also train doulas to become doulas and then we certify them – so we’re busy!

Carriage House is currently offering a free pregnancy support group on Tuesday at 3 PM EST and we are also offering a new parent support group and Thursday at 3 PM EST. Learn more here.