Skincare as Self-Care for the Expecting Mom
“Caring for myself is not an act of self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” Audre Lorde
Self-care is such a hot topic right now, mamas, and there is no better time to make it a priority than when you're expecting. Making time to take care of yourself will make you better able to take care of someone else and is a great habit to cultivate, that you can take from bump to beyond.
It can be hard to commit to “me” time, slow down and unwind but ultimately, it’s about making yourself and your well-being a priority.
One way to practice self-care is to implement a daily skincare routine. This is more than just the quest for the ultimate glow. When approached mindfully, it is a ritual of soothing and comforting acts that provides grounding and empowerment.
Whether it involves 10 steps or 3 steps, lasts for an hour or just 5 minutes, your skincare routine can help reduce daily stress and is just a chance to take a much-needed break!
What does self-care look like for you?