Viva Eve: A Better Healthcare Option for Moms

Viva Eve: A Better Healthcare Option for Moms

Viva Eve believes in a different kind of healthcare system - one that is committed to supporting the whole woman. As Director of Brand & Product, new mom Alexandra Milner shares Viva Eve's Mission and the main focus of the integrated women’s healthcare practice. Striving to always put the person first, and care for us moms in a way that we feel seen, valued, and in control of our healthcare, Viva Eve represents the level of healthcare we've all been waiting for.

Alexandra, tell us about you and your brand:

Hi! My name is Alexandra Milner. I’m the Director of Brand & Product here at Viva Eve in New York City.  We’re an integrated women’s healthcare practice specializing in Fibroids, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Dermatology and Nutrition. 



How does supporting the whole woman work into how your brand operates? 

I think the complexity and nuance of womanhood is a gift - women’s healthcare should honor that. As a healthcare provider and brand in 2023, treating just one part of a patient’s needs, in my humble opinion, is unacceptable. Our bodies deserve holistic care without the headaches of jumping from referral to referral, office to office. We’ve got you covered here, because you deserve nothing less. 


What was the most unexpected part of your own motherhood journey? 

Going through my first pregnancy via IVF, I started motherhood with such a scientific and measured journey that it felt both daunting and advantageous. I had brilliant doctors and nurses with me every step of the way. What surprised me most was the absolute village it took to just get my baby to his first day on earth….the amount of people committed to helping women build their families with unconditional dedication was eye-opening. It renewed my faith in humanity, to say the least! 


How does Matrescence’s Mission to “mother the mother” resonate with you as a brand representing moms? 

Now more than ever, moms are pouring from an empty cup. A lot of us have moved away from home to pursue careers, isolating us from relatives that would normally be a default support group, by any other measure. Being able to feel cared for, when you are caring for your children (and others), is a foreign feeling for many mothers. In short: Your mission is critical. And it’s something we believe to our core. Whether it’s the Matrescence community or our team of healthcare providers at Viva Eve, I hope women find us. I hope they discover the amount of love and support we have for them. 


Our focus this month is Breastfeeding and Wellness - how does Viva Eve support breastfeeding moms and how does that play into mom's overall wellness?

As an organization, I think Viva Eve has an acute sensitivity to the mother - as a woman, as a partner, as a caretaker, as someone who needs as much support as she provides. Our locations have private rooms for our patients to breastfeed, pump, or simply meditate before or after an appointment. If you need help, our concierge team is there for you in a moment’s notice. When it comes to clinical care, our doctors are committed to a no-judgment approach. We even brought onboard a Registered Dietician, who specializes in OBGYN care, providing new moms with breastfeeding guidance for the most nourishing plan possible for you and baby. Postpartum, as we know, is an extremely sensitive time for women; our mental, emotional, and physical health are at stake every day, so providing our patients with thorough counseling is a baseline necessity. 




What are some of the biggest challenges you see for moms and how do you help manage them?

I think it’s similar for a lot of women: it’s the unknown. It’s doubt. “Am I doing what’s right for me? For the baby? Am I understanding what the best possible care is for my body at this point?” We compare ourselves to others every 5 seconds of the day… motherhood can exacerbate that feeling for many. Our team is committed to these 3 “E’s”: empathize, educate, empower. 

Educating patients is absolutely key to helping mothers feel healthier and happier. Knowledge is power and when we share as much information about your healthcare journey as possible, you’re in control. You’ve got one less thing to worry about. You can focus on what’s next, instead of ‘’what if.”


When someone works with Viva Eve, what do you hope they'll take away about parenting? 

We have nothing if we don’t have our health. I’m a new mom, so I don’t know everything, but I do know that if I’m not taking care of myself, I’m doing my family a disservice. My exhaustion is my baby’s loss. My pain is my husband’s problem, too. Productive and joyful parenting starts within each of us. And our health is at the core of self care. We are truly obsessed with making sure our patients reach their highest quality of life - and if you’re a parent, your children are the beneficiaries of just that. 


Anything else you'd like us to know? 

I hope this generation of mothers keeps talking…keeps sharing…I hope we continue to make space for dialogues that our mothers and grandmothers would have never dreamed of engaging in. We are more alike than not. The journey of motherhood is a scary, magical, powerful experience, but it can bring women together like nothing else on earth. 



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